Cold Sores

Cold Sores

The most common cold sore medications in use to help people treat a cold sore are Famvir (famciclovir), Valtrex and Zovirax (acyclovir). These cold sore drugs are in a pill form. Other cold sore medications, including acyclovir and penciclovir (Denavir), are available in a topical form.


Cold Sore Treatment Options

Cold sore prescription medications are a common way to treat cold sores. These medications are antiviral medications that can help shorten the length of cold sore symptoms, especially if used early in a cold sore outbreak. These antiviral cold sore treatments can also reduce the likelihood of getting a cold sore in the future. Understanding the differences may help one get the appropriate cold sore prescription with the guidance of one’s medical provider. Famvir (famciclovir), Valtrex, Zelitrex and Zovirax are examples of antiviral medications used in the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections and tends to be effective in people with normal immune systems.


Some antiviral medications are also available in a form that can be applied topically. In particular, penciclovir (Denavir) is sometimes prescribed for this purpose. Penciclovir is considered a nucleoside analogue antiviral drug and is often prescribed as a 1% cream. Penciclovir can help reduce the length of cold sore symptoms although it is somewhat expensive.


Cold Sore – Medication Effectiveness

Cold sore medications like Valtrex, Zovirax and Denavir can help people treat a herpes infection but they do not work for everyone. And, even if one has a cold sore infection resolve while taking a cold sore medication, cold sores can return at a later date, even if the medication is used properly.


Cold Sore Prescription Medications – Side Effects

Like most medications, antiviral medications for cold sores are not without side effects. When used for cold sore treatment, cold sore medications, pills and creams can cause an upset stomach with vomiting and diarrhea and a headache. Some people can experience worse symptoms affecting the nervous system, kidneys, joints and blood cells. All cold sore medications can also cause serious side effects such as an allergic reaction in susceptible people. Many side effects will go away once the cold sore medication treatment is stopped. It is strongly recommended that one consult with a medical provider and pharmacist before starting a new cold sore treatment.


Cold Sore Medications – Online

Because many cold sore medications are prescription medications, one cannot simply buy cold sore medications online. The reality is that prescription cold sore medications need to be dispensed by a licensed pharmacy online or at a retail pharmacy location after an appropriate prescription is written by a medical provider. With Patricia (Nurse Pattye) Anderson, FNP bc, you will be connected to prescribe cold sore medications for you to help you treat your herpes infection if it is safe to do so.