Yeast Infections
A yeast infection is sometimes known as vaginal candidiasis (a yeast infection of the vagina due to Candida). With Patricia (Nurse Pattye) Anderson, FNP bc, you can request treatment for a yeast infection online and get the medication you need at a local pharmacy or delivered to you.
Yeast Infection – Treatment Options
Both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs known as antifungal medications are used in the treatment of yeast infections. Prescription yeast infection medications are often taken orally. OTC antifungal medications are also available in cream form which need to be deposited into the vagina for a period of time.
Yeast Infection – Prescription Medication
Diflucan, or fluconazole, is an affordable prescription medication used in the treatment of vaginal yeast infections. Diflucan is convenient as it only requires a single pill and, when taken, is absorbed and distributed throughout the vagina over several days. Fluconazole is a generic medication known as a triazole antifungal medication and has better efficacy when taken orally as opposed to in a cream form. Terconazole is another medication used in the treatment of yeast infections.
Yeast Infection – OTC Medications
OTC medications used to treat yeast infections do not require a prescription. Miconazole (Monistat), clotrimazole and tioconazole are the most common OTC antifungal medications for yeast infections and are available as a cream which is applied to the affected area. Yeast infection treatment using an OTC cream can require up to a week of treatment or more.
Yeast Infection – Symptoms Overview
Yeast infections are typically caused by, as one might guess, a yeast called Candida albicans. Candida is a normal part of the vaginal flora but can overgrow and cause an infection after, for example, recent antibiotic use. Yeast infection symptoms generally present with itching, a white vaginal discharge, and pain or soreness. Many women struggle with how to get rid of a yeast infection and easier access to prescription medications like Diflucan and OTC medications has helped improve timely yeast infection treatment. Various types of yeast infections can also be treated with ketoconazole or nystatin.
Yeast Infection Medication – Side Effects
All medications, including antifungals used to treat the symptoms of a yeast infection, can cause side effects. Potential side effects of a yeast infection prescription medication include headaches, stomach pain, liver problems, heartburn, nausea and diarrhea. Any medication, including the ones used to treat a yeast infection, can also cause an allergic reaction. Questions about any yeast infection treatment prescribed should be directed to one’s pharmacist and medical provider.
Yeast Infection – Online
Despite their effectiveness, some medications used to treat yeast infections require a prescription which is why one cannot just buy yeast infection medications online. Instead, some yeast infection treatments require a prescription and can then be dispensed by a licensed pharmacy. Patricia (Nurse Pattye) Anderson, FNP bc helps people women with yeast infection symptoms connect for the appropriate treatment if it is safe and appropriate to do so.